All I Want for Christmas is a Beer/Food Calendar

Hello Secret Santa?


It’s me, Molly.

I know you’re wondering what you should get me for Christmas this year. That’s so sweet of you, but the answer is nothing. I’m just happy you’re my friend. (Are you my friend, Santa? I hope so.)

What’s that? You want to get me something?

No, no… that’s not necessary.

Ok, fine. Twist my arm… if you must get me something, you can get me this:

beer/food calendar 2013 by Heidi Schweigert

beer/food calendar 2013 by Heidi Schweigert

It’s basically the Mollyest thing I’ve ever seen.

(First spotted on A Cup of Jo and later favorited in the Etsy shop.)


It seems, my Internet friends, that you know me all too well. No less than 15 of you – 8 of which I do not know IRL – sent me a link to A Cup of Jo’s post “Travel fantasy: Yurts:”

My twin sister and her husband took a weekend getaway to Big Sur and stayed in a yurt! They said it was one of their coolest vacations. How invigorating to spend the day hiking and swimming, and in the evening, you can drink wine on your deck, breathe the salty air, and watch the sunset. Yurts also seem like a great baby step for those of us who aren’t big campers: You get to be in nature and sleep in a bed. Good for wusses!

Have you ever stayed in a yurt? Would you want to? Big Sur looks incredible.

Well done, Internets! Well done.

Sorry Joanna, but I was diggin’ on yurts back in November of 2010… a odd little choice for a narrative device as seen here, here, here, here, here, and – in a move that warmed the cockles of my heart – here:

Still, I totally agree with her (Joanna)… a yurt-vacation is near the top of my travel-fantasy list. And a yurt in Big Sur – even better. There is, quite possibly, nothing better. Wine + sea air + yurt = new life goal. Is 2012 the year that I will make it happen?

RELATED: Who is with me?

Rifle Paper Co. Makes Me Giggle

If everyone else is doing it… I probably should too, right?

I’m talking about the new online shop that Anna from Rifle Paper Co. just opened up. I first read about her on A Cup of Jo, but her new online store was exulted by Design*Sponge, Oh Joy!, and Creature Comforts to name very few… so naturally, I had to hop on over and check her out.

WOW. Obsessed.

And two purchases later…

St. Nick Card

Holiday Postcards

…  I’m smitten.

Then don’t you go to Paris!

Hello Paris? Are you there? It’s me, mollytics.

I swear to the good lord above that Paris is literally everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Even more places than I noticed last week. Most of these items below I found from A CUP OF JO – so thank you Joanna. (We are not friends, I just read her blog.)

This week, I learned that she (Joanna) is gearing up for a Paris trip:

In nine days, Alex and I will be taking a much anticipated trip to…PARIS!!! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to walk around the city and take notes on gorgeous French style. We’re taking a dorky but awesome-looking bike tour, and we’ve both been dreaming about croissants and chocolate mousse. Also, I’d love to have a picnic in the Luxembourg Gardens, and Alex wants us to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, even though I’m scared of elevators.

LM and I will NOT be going to the top of the Eiffel Tower because we’re just not into it. But the picnic-ing? Totally. Right LM?

Then, via A CUP OF JO, I learned about this handy little guide to Paris Haunts and Jaunts on Jordan Ferney’s Oh Happy Day!:

When we went to Paris in 2005 for our honeymoon, Paul’s coworker, Kristen, wrote up a little itinerary of must-sees. She has great taste and had lived in Paris for several years. Seriously, this little guide is amazing. I’ve given it to several people and they’ve all come back raving about how great it is.

Consider it downloaded. This was beginning to become a super-fun follow-the-Paris-trail game. What next?

Some flickr surfing resulted in the location of this whimsicle picture. I’m going to love Paris in the springtime, too. I just know it.

If you’re feeling sentimental and/or lovey-dovey,  you might want to check out this receipt that a cute couple kept from their first trip to Paris together. LM – shall we do this too? SIKE.

Aaaand finally, some video of what LM and I have been saying to each other since we booked our flight, from Sex and the City:

Carrie: You don’t like him, why don’t you just say it?

Miranda: Fine, I don’t like him!

Carrie: Then don’t you go to Paris with him!

“Then don’t you go to Paris!” It’s so much fun to say. Watch it here: the relevent part starts at 1 minute 20 seconds in:

It’s a heartbreakingly beautiful scene, which we’ve reduced to sillyness. Love it.