So Excited for Fitbloggin’ 2012!

Fitbloggin' 2012

I’ve never been to a blogger conference before.

Actually, that’s not true. I went to four Netroots Nation conferences (Chicago, Austin, Pittsburgh and Las Vegas), and while I certainly LOVED those experiences and learned a bunch from my progressive political friends, I was always there to represent my former employer and to learn tools that the organization would benefit from. Seems fair. They were the ones, after all, footing the bill.

But now I have an incredible opportunity to go on behalf of the most awesome person I know… ME! Ok that’s a lie. I am not the most awesome person I know, by far, but I am going for my own personal benefit.

You see, I – like many bloggers – have been contemplating the future direction of my blog. I love that I write it just for me and my friends, and that if others happen to read it and like it… GREAT!… but it’s certainly not my goal. But now, more and more of my days are filled with fitness-related content (health, mind, and body… with an emphasis on running), so I’m curious to see if that’s a direction I should consider taking it in.

Either way I decide to go, the conference is filled with an incredible schedule and roster of successful bloggers so whether I head down fitness ally or maintain my own meandering ramblings, I’m sure to learn a lot. AND… it’s in Baltimore! Which is awesome because I live here (duh) and I love Baltimore and the more people that get to experience my city, the better! Also – this makes travel and lodging a cinch 🙂

In addition, I will be liveblogging the Build Your Brand session (with Amy Nowacoski as the presentor) on behalf of the Fitbloggin’ crew, which I am INCREDIBLY EXCITED ABOUT! ALL CAPS indicate my level of excitement, naturally. But I will try and tone it down, otherwise this entire post would be all-capsTASTIC.

So if you are going to be in town for fitbloggin’ 2012 and need some advice from a local… hit me up! You can reach me via:

Twitter: @mollytics
Instagram: @mollytics
Email: mollytics [at] gmail [dot] com
Facebook: Mollytics (via networked blogs)

… at any hour. I basically don’t sleep. Like, ever.

And if you want to meet up, let me know! I’ve love to meet as many people as is humanly possible! Even the local-Baltimore ones 🙂

What do you think? Share!