Los Búhos

The Spanish word for “owl” is búho… isn’t that adorable? I think so. So much so, in fact, that I spent a ridiculously inappropriate amount of time editing this photo:

The original can be found here.

I have a thing for owls. I don’t really have a thing for birds (put a bird on it!), but owls… yes. It started right about 2004 when I adopted the greatest dog to ever walk the planet – Ebbitt. He was blind and had these big beautiful black eyes that reminded me of an owl. They were googly and empty but simultaneously full of expression. Owl-like… at least to me. So that’s where the obsession began.

Good thing the internet is full of owlege. <– new word

The Department of the Interior (DOI) does a great job with their Instagram page (follow them @usinterior) and, much to my delight, they post a lot of owl pictures. Or, you know, two. But I have it on good authority that more are in the hopper. <– That’s a lie as in reality, I have no idea. But it sounds nice and authoritative.

Photo found here.

In conclusion: America is awesome and beautiful and wild and wonderful… and so are its owls.